sendance team and advisory board

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Who we are

We are a dedicated team of diverse personalities with technical and business backgrounds. We set up a B2B sensor technology company that empowers producers of smart health devices to support people in need and enable a healthy life without limitations for everyone and everywhere.




Team members

Linz, Austria

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abstract grid floating

Meet our founders

Dr. Robert Koeppe
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Robert Koeppe is a serial entrepreneur that founded 2009 the deeptech sensor technology start-up isiQiri with an M&A exit in 2018. His experience in product R&D and business development make him the mastermind of sendance. As a strategist, he has an eye for innovative solutions. He is not only the leader of sendance, but also a trained mountain guide.
Dr. Daniela Wirthl
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Daniela Wirthl managed projects for international research consortia before she took care of the realization of customer projects at sendance. Her 15+ years of experience in home care drive her to improve and support the healthcare system with sensor technology. Being a certified peer mediator she is the relationship manager of sendance.
Dr. Yana Vereshchaga
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Yana Vereshchaga is a distinguished researcher and lecturer in biophysics and medical mechatronics for 15+ years. With 5+ international publications on biomechanics, she is the expert for human motion analysis at sendance. Co-founding BDDC international dance company in 2004 motivates her keeping sendance flexible with weekly yoga classes.
DI Thomas Stockinger
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Thomas Stockinger is focused on finance, HR, and legal at sendance. 14 years of experience in financial control in the city government of his hometown make him the perfect match to complement the founder team. He is also secretary of a political party in the city parliament and chairman of a private investment club. Still, he finds time to keep sporty and fit.
Our team
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Meet the minds behind sendance

Markus Stefka, M.A.
Key Account Manager
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Dr. Clemens Schartmüller
Head of Software Development
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Leon Kainz, BSc.
Head of Automation
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DI Daniel Handstanger-Deimling
Head of System Integration
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Vera Pamminger, BSc.
Head of Hardware Development
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We're hiring!

Check out our openings to see if there is something for you.

View open roles (coming soon!)
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Our advisory board

Headshot of Matthias Schmied
DI Matthias Schmied MSc
Headshot of Dr. Simone Pies
Simone Pies
Headshot of Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner
Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner
Headshot of Philipp Schulte-Noelle
Philipp Schulte-Noelle

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